Stitches: Rachel Lee-Carman & Hayley Bowerman

Meet Me at Our Spot

The series is an exploration of how nature reclaims human-made spaces and the duality of being human—both civilized and wild. It culminates at our favorite swimming spot, where we gather materials familiar to us since childhood and weave them into the work. This series is a collaboration, with the materials around us shaping the form of the reclamation.

It's about loving each other, our friendship, the places that have shaped us, and commemorating the people we cherish.

“I want to imagine living in a home with family portraits on the wall that the river rises and runs through. There are cat tails and willow shoots coming out of our eyes and head.” -Rachel Lee Carman

We've been dragging our nails through summer, trying to hold on as long as we can. Every morning, we check the forecast and plan our week around trips to the river. The rule is that you can only take ten seconds to get ready once the invitation is made. We rarely bring towels or a change of clothes and often forget snacks and drinks.

When we tell people we like going to the river, they ask, "Paddleboard? Kayak?"
We don't bring anything.
We jump in and float down, over and over again.

Rachel makes medicinal willow crowns, and Hayley weaves elaborate wreaths out of generous and abundant materials—lilies, grass, dock. 

“I feel like I’ve been wanting to do this project with you our whole lives,” - Hayley Bowerman

When we leave, we take trash with us. Exchanges are essential.


Stitches: Anastasia Zielinski


Stitches: MJ Puccio & Story Strom