Stitches: Anastasia Zielinski

For our last installment of "Stitches", Rachel and I head over to local art studio: Freak’N Art. It is tucked away on a cozy corner off Bond St. Covering the window on the front of the building is the tagline: Make Art. Feel Better. Anastasia is inside with a few patrons who are there to participate in her Entangle installation: Community Garden.

For the last few weeks, Anastasia has been opening up the studio for a couple hours so that folks can create fiber plants and flowers. There is a table laid with all kinds of fabric, lace, rope, wire, and card stock. There are needles, thread, and a hot glue station. Anastasia has taught art for many years, and it is one of the things she is most passionate about. I watch her confidently guide someone having a hard time getting the shape they want for their flower. She is kind and informative and shows this person different techniques they can implement for a variety of outcomes. It is in this moment that I can see where she shines brightest.

"I feel like for some reason people are okay with playing sports if they aren't an expert but when it comes to drawing or painting they're like "oh I could never do that" when really it's just a different muscle that you need to work." - Anastasia Zielinski

Anastasia tells me how Freak’N Art came to be what it is today. She has always had a personal art studio to work and play in and was teaching classes at Layor and at Bend Parks & Rec. She found that people that were having a hard time coordinating classes because of their busy lives. Freak’N Art offers workshops, classes, and open DIY hours for folks who might not have their own studio space.

"I truly believe in the power of art and how important it is to live a full and happy life." - Anastasia Zielinski

Rachel and I have talked about this concept; how art and music and creative expression holds power and how it can be wielded in the world. There is something truly supernatural about the power it has over us - whether we are interacting, participating, or simply just admiring it. You don't have to be familiar with it. Creative expression takes you as you are. It invites you to let go of expectations, to play, and to allow yourself joy. In many ways, creative expression is a visual representation of love itself.

"If it's something that brings you joy, why would you deny yourself doing it?" - Anastasia Zielinski

I am hopeful for this concept to be witnessed and experienced at Entangle. It's hard to believe we are only a week away. I feel a strange sense of peace going into this art exhibit. Maybe it's because I know there is love woven throughout every installation and performance. It feels safe and warm. I leave Freak’N Art and get in my car. As I look up I see the studio's tagline again: Make Art. Feel Better. Somehow, this quote resonates even more with me now than it did when I walked in.


How A series of house shows is becoming a two-day showcasing of talent


Stitches: Rachel Lee-Carman & Hayley Bowerman