WHat to expect:

As a creative: expect an intimate listening room where folks are there to witness and connect with what you have created.

As an attendee: expect an inclusive and accessible space created with the intention to cultivate community while connecting with the art humans have made.


  • A house show or, house concert, is a one of a kind experience where folks of all different walks of life end up in the same cozy space to appreciate music, art and other expressions of creativity. It is part concert, part art show, part social gathering. You might show up not knowing what to expect and leave feeling like your soul is absolutely glowing.

  • The short answer is yes, if you know you can afford it. However, these shows are made to be accessible which is why there is a sliding scale. Pay what you can - 70% of our proceeds go back to the musicians that play and our visual artists keep 100% of what they sell. These shows are not just fun parties - they are opportunities to support art and music in more ways than one!

  • You can follow Invisible Thread Events on any of our social media platforms and keep an eye out for upcoming events OR you can sign up for our mailing list!

  • Send us an email over at invisiblethreadevents@gmail.com. Whether you want to host, vend, play, attend, or even help out with setup/tear down - we’d love to hear from you.

  • Absolutely!! If there’s one thing Central Oregon lacks it is… a lot, lol. But house shows are definitely important for our community and we could definitely use more pioneers.

    Plus - it’s easy!!

    Step 1: Find a host home. Preferably someone with an open communal space, but at the end of the day you can make any space work.

    Step 2: Find some musicians. Maybe they’re your friends or your neighbors. Maybe you found them at the local open mic.

    Step 3 (optional): Get a PA (a sound system, mics, stands, etc.) This is only necessary if you’re having bands in the house. You can easily make this night fully acoustic with solo artists.

    Step 4: Gather any additional creatives. Multi-media artists, poets, cooks, gardeners and any other creative professions you can think of.

    Step 5: Get your team together and send out those invites! Post the flyers! Upload your events for FREE on local media outlets. Take advantage of social media